Best herbs and flowers for love and romance

 Herbs, plants, and flowers, historically symbolised devotion, love and romance. Mint and marigolds were woven into garlands and wreaths in ancient Athens. In Rome, wheat was for brides and rosemary for the grooms. European brides, during medieval times, used garlic and chives to ward away spirits that could disrupt their happiness. In Victorian times, roses, lavender, marjoram and pansies were popular amongst romantic couples. When these flowers were combined, along with other herbs, a formula for romantic success and contentment was created.

While Gifts Online Dubai strives to bring you the best, you can also use these modern herbs to communicate your romantic intentions.


Originally associated with hatred for the Greeks and the Romans, the basil existed in those times only to drive people insane. Later, in Italy, basil became a symbol of love and has remained that way ever since. According to Moldavian folklore, when a man accepts basil from a woman, he is destined to fall in love with the girl. An easy herb to grow, basil has a spicy scent and even comes in different varieties. Traditionally, though, the herb had a culinary purpose, especially in the Mediterranean.


Calendula was used by early Christians to adorn the statue of the Virgin Mary. The herb evolved as a love charm and was considered the most sacred of all flowers. It is a symbol of serenity, excellence and thankfulness. In modern times, the meaning of calendula is joy. This is also a great way to show your love to your boyfriend, girlfriend, fiancée, or spouse. Add it to teas by candlelight to enjoy the vibes


Thyme symbolises many things and even comes with a long history. Derived from the Greek word thymus, thyme signifies courage. It symbolised elegance and style in the middle ages and was commonly considered as a sign of chivalry.

The modern language of herbs, however, thinks that it represents affection. It is also the perfect gift when you are in a deep friendship or love. An easy herb to grow it is generally found in shady locations. This is also a culinary herb and comes with antiseptic properties due to its thymol content.

Communicate your love with a bouquet when you shop for gifts online. Send cakes to Dubai as you combine them with some of the best identifiable flowers and other specials to show exactly how you feel.


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